Padme Golden Batik Travel Gown

This is My Padme Amidala Batik Travel Gown

The pattern of this gown is called Batik.
Batik is a traditional clothes from my country, Indonesia.

The Detail

I'm a Muslim, and I'm Proud!
even this gown inspired by Russian Women clothes,
it still has a veil, and the veil is like hijab!

I wore a Yellow Inner Hijab, it called 'Ninja' cause it really like Ninja,
And I have many colour of it!

Actually the veil like Hijab in Muslim Women's Clothes
It's so similiar, right???

Batik Pattern



Crazy Padme Amidala

That is my Sister's daughter, Princess KhaDija.
She wore Yellow too!
Oh... matchy-matchy.....!

Asian Muslim Padme Amidala XD
Muslimah means Muslim Woman

I'm proud of this gown!

Thank You!

Model : Me (and Princess Dija)
Photographer : Irfan Dani - Modularity of Mind
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